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Robert Taylor


What’s your tombstone testimony?

Several years ago, the Tombstone Pizza Company in Medford, Washington searched for a catchy advertising campaign.

What they found was in bad taste (pun intended!).

Pictured on the screen was someone on their deathbed. A loved one leaned over the bed and asked, “What do you want on your tombstone?” The voice groaned back, “Pepperoni and cheese.”

They got the idea from their location across the street from a cemetery.

Yet, the question remains. What do you want on your tombstone? What message do you want to leave for the world to see?

One read, “End of Construction…Thank you for your patience.”

Moses comes to mind. Atop Mt. Nebo, he dies, and God buries him in an unmarked, unknown grave. Yet, the testimony remained.

“And there has not arisen a prophet since in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face,” (Deuteronomy 34:10, ESV)

He knew the Lord. Can a better epitaph exist?

We determine our tombstones by the way we live. So, look at your life today? Is what you do what you want others to remember? If not, change your life and you choose a different tombstone testimony.

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