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Robert Taylor


Desirae Kelly felt a creeping unease as she woke one morning, a sensation like a feather wiggling back and forth in her ear.

At first, she dismissed it as her imagination, rolling over to return to sleep. But the feeling persisted, becoming impossible to ignore.

Finally, out of caution, Desirae went to the doctor. The sensation had intensified, now feeling like a pointed stick. She assumed it was just earwax.

She wasn’t prepared for the nurse’s revelation. Something was moving in her ear.

The nurse flushed her ear with a stream of water, and to Desirae’s horror, a nickel-sized spider tumbled out.

Imagine having something inside you that doesn’t belong there. It’s a deeply unsettling thought, isn’t it?

Paul understood that many harbor something far worse than a nocturnal arachnid. He warned the Ephesians about their internal invaders, things that need to be washed away from the heart of a Christian.

“Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.” (Ephesians 4:31, ESV)

The heart can harbor many destructive attitudes and thoughts, creating a life God detests. Traits like gossip and backbiting are the fruits of an unguarded heart.

Remember, something is always trying to crawl into your life. A spider in the ear is bad enough, but what corrupts the heart is far worse.

What’s inside of you?

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