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Robert Taylor


Visit Adairsville, GA, and you’ll encounter a unique mansion: Barnsley Gardens.

Godfrey Barnsley, a shipping magnate of the early 19th century, built it. His enterprises shipped over 60% of the South’s cotton to mills in England. His respect spanned both sides of the Atlantic.

He married Julia and wanted to build her a magnificent home. He purchased 400 acres in Northwest Georgia and created an estate like few had ever seen.

The gardens boasted rare species of trees and shrubs, including cedars from Lebanon. Craftsmen crafted the windows with sterling silver latches, and he covered the floors with marble from France and Italy.

Then, tragedy struck. Julia died before the home could be completed. Barnsley lost his passion for the project, and the house was never the same. Passed from generation to generation, the family finally sold it in 1942, and it fell into ruin.

Jesus warns us about building mansions on earth:

“And he said to them, ‘Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.’” (Luke 12:15, ESV)

Mansions built on earth soon decay. But the mansions awaiting in heaven never fall into ruin.

What kind of mansion are you building in your life? You don’t want people to gawk at your “Manor House Ruins.” Build something eternal.

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