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Robert Taylor


Paige Hunter is fortunate.

In 2018, she experienced post-traumatic stress disorder and felt overwhelmed with life. She climbed onto the railing of the Wearmouth Bridge, intending to jump.

Two kind individuals intervened and told her, “You are worth more than this.”

Now, Hunter dedicates herself to helping others. She started a campaign called Notes of Hope. Throughout the past few years, she has left over 1000 handwritten messages on the same bridge for those who may contemplate what she once did.

It had a positive impact on Callum Doggrell.

“I was going through a difficult time, and I reached a point where I no longer wanted to exist.”

The note encouraged him to reconsider. Thinking about his one-year-old son, wife, and parents, he stepped away from the edge and climbed down.

All he needed was a glimmer of hope.

Hope is scarce in our world. It causes anxiety and empties our souls.

The doors of the Philippian prison that held Paul trembled as the doors swung open. The jailor intended to end his life, but it was Paul’s words, “We are here,” that saved him. He needed someone to show him the way out of the darkness.

Many individuals stand on spiritual bridges, ready to give up. Can you say, “You are valuable to God and to me”? A single word of hope will make a difference.

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  1. Vasca Beall September 4, 2024 at 1:25 pm - Reply

    Hope, how often I say ‘I Hope’. When I catch myself saying or thinking that, I try to add ‘I pray’. Thank you, my friend, for always lending a helping hand.

    • Robert Taylor September 6, 2024 at 2:46 pm - Reply

      I know sometimes I shy away from this, but when I have helped like this, it made a world of difference.

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