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Robert Taylor


Snow, ice, and high winds buffeted Portland, Oregon.

Majiah Washington, an 18-year-old, saw a flash and then she opened her blinds. She saw a power line collapse, falling on her neighbor’s car. The neighbors, who were trying to get into the car, tried to escape when the car caught fire.

A man holding a baby slid down the driveway on ice, but his foot hit a live wire. Another tried to help, but suffered the same fate.

Majiah called 911, but time was slipping by. So, she hurried from her home. The baby was moving but was close to the wire. She scooped the baby in her arms and moved to safety.

When danger threatens, someone needs to sacrifice. We rescue children when they are in danger.

But what about spiritual children, those who are weak and confused? Do we hope they “figure it out?”

Paul would remind the Galatians:

“Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.” (Galatians 6:1, ESV)

While we admire acts of heroism, someone sitting and talking to the discouraged is as heroic. It takes time, courage, and vulnerability.

How many slip away because “someone will do something?” Be the “someone.”

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