Unopened Mail
Encased in a glass case in Sydney’s Queen Victoria Building [...]
By Robert Taylor|2024-12-23T17:27:23+00:00December 24, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: 1986, 2085, Bible, divine revelation, ears to hear, enigmatic, envelope, God, Jesus, kingdom of heaven, letter, Listen, Matthew 13:11, message, mysteries, parables, Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Victoria Building, Reflection, sealed, secrets, Sydney, timeless, understand, Unopened Mail, unread|Comments Off on Unopened Mail
An Unfolding Plan
Architects unroll blueprints. Writers indent thoughts into outlines and engineers [...]
By Robert Taylor|2024-12-19T15:36:09+00:00December 21, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: Abraham, Adam and Eve, An Unfolding Plan, Architects, ark, arrival of Jesus, baby doll, Bethlehem, Birth, blessing, blueprints, cave, chaos, children pageants, creation, Death, despair, divine blueprints, divine intention., divinity, engineers, faith, family, first star, flood, forever, Forgiveness, fruit juice, fullness of time, funnel, Generations, God, God's plan, history, hope, House of Bread, human flesh, humanity's redemption, Israel, Jacob, Jesus, John, king, kingdom, law, little town, mankind, narrative, nation, nations, ordered, outlines, Paul, plan, promise, prophets, punishment, purposefully crafted, random, Refugees, Resurrection, root, scepter, schematics, silent centuries, snowflakes, Son, star, stars, twelve sons, unfolding, universe, writers|Comments Off on An Unfolding Plan
Children at Christmas
Children approach Christmas differently than adults. Adults are stressed and [...]
By Robert Taylor|2024-12-14T18:25:15+00:00December 18, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: adults, Beauty, busy, child's eyes, childlike wonder, children, Christmas, Christmas tree, cookies, divine presence, earth, excitement, Experience, eyes, faith, Father, God, gracious will, handmade ornaments, heaven, heirloom, holiday season, infant, Jesus, joy, life, little children, magazine, magic, musts, ornaments, packages, prayers, Reflection, season, smiles, snowflake, Spirit, stress, Teachings, transformed., twinkle lights, twinkling lights, understanding, unwrapping presents, wise, wonder|Comments Off on Children at Christmas