Us and Them: Do You Notice Yourself?
When I teach classes, I am struck by how much [...]
By Robert Taylor|2025-01-24T16:12:13+00:00January 25, 2025|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: Achan, affection, ancient scripture, Bible, bigger house, bridge, Challenge, coveted, culturally bound, Dallas, David, Demas, Denver, desires, difficulty, distance, divine solutions, Egypt, Elijah, emperors, enduring human experience., everyday struggles, faith, faith of Abraham, fear, gap, God's book, Hebrew, high priest, Hosea, humanity, idol worship, impressive title, irrelevant, Israel, Jesus, Joseph, kings, lust, mock, modern life, Moses, murder, nature, nicer car, Paul, personal engagement, Peter, practical, pray, prayed, prison, rage, rain, relevance, Rome, rooster, silent, sin, steadfastness, struggle, tempted, thought-provoking, timeless truths, Us and Them, weaknesses, widow, world, Zarephath|Comments Off on Us and Them: Do You Notice Yourself?
The Flaw
In 1928, the Silver Bridge opened, spanning the Ohio River [...]
By Robert Taylor|2025-01-20T16:17:49+00:00January 22, 2025|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: 46 people, biblical downfall, biblical events., bicycle chain, Brooklyn Bridge, catastrophic chain reaction, catastrophic consequences, chilling parallel, Christmas 1967, collapse, collision, cracked eyebar, cutting hair, Delilah, downfall of Samson, engineered structures, environments, eyebar chains, fatal flaw, faulty materials, flaw, Golden Gate Bridge, hidden perils, historical events, introspection, Judges 16, Lord, narrative, Nazarite vow, Ohio River, overlooked flaws, personal choices, relationships, secret, Silver Bridge, spiritual energies, Strength, The Flaw, tragedy, vigilance, West Virginia|1 Comment
Four Questions in the Mirror
What do you see in the mirror? My wife has [...]
By Robert Taylor|2025-01-17T13:38:53+00:00January 18, 2025|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: action-oriented, Biblical reference, compassion, Guinea worm, Habitat for Humanity, helping others, honest questions, human faults, impact, inner discovery, intentionality, introspection, James, Jimmy Carter, Legacy, life purpose, meaningful action, mirror, perseverance, personal growth, post-presidency, prism of purpose, purpose, reality check, Reflection, self-awareness, self-examination, serving others, transformative journey, trivialities|1 Comment