Dark Circles
The New York Times started an article with a common [...]
By Robert Taylor|2025-02-04T01:59:59+00:00February 5, 2025|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: 1 Peter 3:3–4, adorning, aging process, Americans, Beauty, character, Clare, common experience, cosmetic counters, cream, creams, Dark Circles, DC, exhausted, external, Fresh Perspective, gentle spirit, God’s sight, good humor, Grace, heart, hidden person, Humility, humor, imperishable beauty, inner beauty, invaluable, major companies, mirror, natural beauty, older, Peter, quick fixes, serum, serums, The New York Times, top complaint, true self, truth, wisdom|Comments Off on Dark Circles
Repentance—More Than a Word
We hear words over and over. The more they get [...]
By Robert Taylor|2025-01-31T19:22:48+00:00February 1, 2025|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: action, Addiction, Admission, Air Freshener, Axe, Bible, Biblical Insights, Break Free, Call, change, Damascus, direction, enrich, friendship, Games, growth, Guilt, Habit, Hypnotic State, John the Baptist, life, Media, Past, Pentecost, Personal Stories, Peter, Phone, positive, read, regret, Renewal, Repentance, Replace, Resurrection, Route, Sorrow, spiritual, thinking, time, transformation, Turning, Unsubscribe, visit, Waste, Weed, Word, Write, Wrong Direction.|Comments Off on Repentance—More Than a Word
David Uttal describes himself as a poor navigator. “When I [...]
By Robert Taylor|2025-01-27T17:48:33+00:00January 29, 2025|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: Boy Scout hike, David Uttal, direction, earthly path, Experience, find the way, GPS, human condition, Isaiah 53:6, lost, lost sheep, navigation, parable, poor navigator, sense of direction, Sheep, Shepherd, shepherd's voice, Soul, true way home, wander|Comments Off on Lost