Your Tombstone
What's your tombstone testimony? Several years ago, the Tombstone Pizza [...]
By Robert Taylor|2024-08-08T23:53:43+00:00August 8, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: "End of Construction...Thank you for your patience.", "What do you want on your tombstone?", bad taste, better epitaph, catchy advertising campaign, cemetery, change your life., deathbed, Deuteronomy 34:10, epitaph, ESV, keywords: Tombstone testimony, knew the Lord, leave for the world, loved one, Medford Washington, message, Moses, Mt. Nebo, pepperoni and cheese, remember, Tombstone Pizza Company, unknown grave, way we live|Comments Off on Your Tombstone
Embracing Your Sacred Task: Finding Purpose and Drive in Everyday Life
Have you ever wondered what keeps certain individuals driven, even [...]
By Robert Taylor|2024-08-02T16:25:04+00:00August 3, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: accomplish, accumulated wisdom, adversity, African jungles, alive, alleviating suffering, barbaric circumstances, Canaan, care center, care for others, challenges, closer than you think, compassion, compelling story, conclusion, crazy, defining, disappointments, discipline, discovering, disobedience, divine proclamations, Dr. David Livingstone, dramatic missions, drive, driven, each day, each moment, education, Egypt, Elijah, embrace, examples, explorer, family, fiancée, fire in the belly, friendly voice, genteel, grieving, guide, Have you ever wondered, helpful, Henry Morton Stanley, hospital, immorality, imperceptible ways, John Tierney, Journey, lead Israel, leave behind, life of Christ, life’s journey., light to the Gentiles, listening ear, loneliness, measures, medical conditions, men, milk and honey, Moses, mundane hue, never gave up, nurture, oppressing natives, Parenting, Paul, positive, prejudice, profound sacredness, propels, raising, reflect, Roy Baumeister, sacred task, savages, serve the Lord, sharing, small children, teaching, ungodliness, unparalleled importance, unwavering belief, valuable, visit, Willpower, writing|Comments Off on Embracing Your Sacred Task: Finding Purpose and Drive in Everyday Life
Do you want to live a good life? Then laugh [...]
By Robert Taylor|2024-07-31T17:25:19+00:00July 31, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: biblical wisdom, boost oxygen levels, comedy health benefits, good life tips, health and happiness, heart health, improve well-being, joyful heart, laugh therapy, laughter benefits, laughter medicine, Proverbs 17:22, reduce heart attack risk, reduce inflammation, stand-up comedy therapy|Comments Off on Laughter