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Robert Taylor


David Uttal describes himself as a poor navigator. “When I was 13 years old, I got lost on a Boy Scout hike and was lost for two and a half days.”

Some people have no sense of direction. When they point in a direction, their finger goes randomly.

People in the country can find their way easier than those in cities.

For most, it is their experience. Today, people who depend on GPS struggle if the voice on their dashboard takes them the wrong way. If you grew up without GPS, they had to find the directions independently.

Which are you? Do you know how to find the way or are you turned around?

Isaiah describes the human condition well.

“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—everyone—to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” (Isaiah 53:6, ESV)

How do the lost find their way?

Jesus told the story of a shepherd whose sheep pen lacked a single sheep. One was lost, so he left the flock to find it.

You may know where you live and how to navigate this world, but you can feel lost in your soul. You don’t have to wander. Listen to the voice of the shepherd. He will get you home.

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