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Robert Taylor


Math teachers remind us that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. The best way is to go from point A to point B.

But life doesn’t mind math but takes a winding route.

When I grew up, we would make the trek through Arizona to visit my grandparents outside of San Diego, CA. In those days, the only route was the famous Route 66, immortalized in song and television.

The trip climbed off the desert floor and took winding roads across mountains. It was a back-and-forth worthy of any amusement park.

While physical trips take twisting roads, life does as well.

Recently, I came across a note in my files with an old idea of starting a podcast. But the list was an “I can’t list.” But then life zigged and zagged and I started and continue to do a morning devotional.

Life doesn’t go as planned but takes us where we need to go.

People want to know a level path to get there. They want to get out of bed and live a predictable life without interruption. But then life gets in the way.

Rain falls, and outdoor plans get canceled. Death comes to households and sickness afflicts at the worst time. An opportunity in our job takes us away from what you thought would be your “forever home.” Now, friends change and routines get lost.

The apostle Paul found out that life is not a level path. He wanted to go to Asia, but God would not permit him. Instead, the Holy Spirit opened the door to Macedonia. Life took another detour to prison. It took him away from his grand plan to preach in other regions. But in prison, he reached an audience unavailable when he was free.

I have discovered that life offers you a challenge each day. Choose well when you come to the fork in the road.

The late poet laureate, Robert Frost, described a walk in his native New England. He would come to a fork in the path and he would take the one he knew best. But in his wistful moments, he thought about the road not taken. When the path changes and we take the “road not taken” we will find an unexpected blessing.

In times of change, remember the proverb. Blessed are the flexible for they shall never be bent out of shape.

So where does your road take you today? The winding road is harder to travel but can take you where you need to go.

And if you travel through life on the winding road, God will be with you. Take your journey with him and you will navigate the twists and turns.

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