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Robert Taylor


Peter Marshall, the gifted Scottish preacher of another generation, told a story called “The Keeper of the Spring.”

He tells of an old man who lives in the hills. The man gathered sticks and leaves and cleared the silt that settled in a stream that flowed through his property. These small actions kept the water clean and pure. The spring provided the town below with fresh water.

After several years, the man went to the town leaders. He asked them for a small fee for keeping the spring clean due to his need. They agreed.

After a few months, the town council challenged the agreement.

“What exactly are we getting for our money?” scowled one cheap member. “In fact, I bet he doesn’t do anything. Has anyone seen him cleaning the spring?”

Silence fell over the group, followed by nods of approval. The council decided not to pay him.

The man stopped removing the silt, leaves, and sticks.

In the beginning, nothing changed. Then, the water started turning brown and picked up a foul taste. Soon it became undrinkable.

It was then that the townspeople realized the vital task of the man. He was the keeper of the spring. Without him, the water became polluted.

Everyone has a spring in their lives. It is the source of all that flows from our lives, words, actions, and motives. Nothing comes from a life that doesn’t bubble up from the wellspring.

Solomon wrote:

“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” (Proverbs 4:23, ESV)

So significant to life is the heart that Solomon commands, “Guard it.” Post a sentry who never sleeps. Don’t let in that which can harm and clean out that which

When the heart is unprotected and open, life turns putrid.

Influences bombard us, most with our permission. Social networks have become unsocial networks, interspersing ads with fear and anger. Political speeches drip with rage to control the masses for the next election cycle.

We can see the result of unguarded springs. Our world has a moldy taste to it. Dishonesty has become a business tool for the up-and-coming entrepreneur. We’ve grown accustomed to leadership that believes a lie is anything people don’t believe. Anger, wrath, greed, and selfishness taint the lives of many.

The principle is much too important to miss. An unguarded life becomes a polluted life.

We have to examine two areas.

The first is our condition.

What do we have in our lives now? Examine your living, for it is the mirror of the heart.

Does it reflect kindness and gentleness? Does it help others or destroy others? What did you do this week that you could point to that shows those qualities?

Jesus reminds us:

“The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” (Luke 6:45, ESV)

The words we speak can be balm or poison when spoken. They affect not only others but ourselves as well.

What did you say yesterday? What do they say about the condition of your heart?

But the second is our sentry.

What do you let into your life?

For centuries we have known how to fresh air into our homes while keeping out the flies. You open a door but make sure there is a screen. The air flows in, but the bugs stay out.

Do you have “screens” in your life, those preventative filters to keep out what doesn’t belong there?

How many minutes do you spend on Facebook? Instagram? Tick-Tock? Now, without thinking, what one positive thing happened with all of those minutes? Good things can happen, but only to those diligent enough not to let it become a constant stream.

How do you become the keeper of the spring? Look at your environment and clean it up. Decide who destroys your life, and avoid or eliminate that relationship. Stop and ask, “What’s coming out of the spring in my life?” every week.

It is your life. It’s up to you to become the keeper of your spring. Do you want pond scum or crystal clear values in it?

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  1. Vasca Beall April 9, 2023 at 1:56 pm

    Tbank you, my friend. This is such a great help for me…I need to guard what I let into my life and this is a big boost. You are such a great ‘everything’. I hope you don’t mind my sharing these posts.

  2. Vasca Beall April 10, 2023 at 3:35 am

    P.S. I appreciate ‘the screens’.

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