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Robert Taylor


John Marboe, an unconventional hero in the ordinary world of trash collection, found himself in a remarkable situation on his daughter’s last school day. John, behind the wheel of his “company car,” which happened to be a trash truck, pulled up to the school to fetch his 13-year-old daughter, Charlotte. From a teenager’s perspective, all parents are grotesque creatures, but one driving a trash truck was worse.

On Sundays, John assumed an entirely different role as a preacher for a modest congregation. This spiritual calling led him to embrace the humble profession of garbage collection, a job that allowed him to make ends meet while still lending a helping hand to others. Some might consider it a step-down, but not John. He viewed it as an opportunity to serve his community in a unique way.

Life, as it often does, served John a dose of unvarnished reality. While diligently collecting trash one day, an envelope unexpectedly slipped from the garbage can. As he picked it up, he noticed words scrawled on the back that pierced his heart: “I’ve tried, tried, and tried, and I just can’t stand the pain anymore.” Aware of his limitations as a trash collector, John hesitated. However, his genuine concern compelled him to act. He did the only thing he knew how – he offered up a heartfelt prayer for the individual behind those cryptic words.

Indeed, we all encounter moments of powerlessness in our lives. Whether it’s the alarming growth of a spot on an MRI, the devastating aftermath of a hurricane that leaves families without homes, or the heart-wrenching news of a neighbor’s loss, these situations engulf us, rendering us helpless.

But there’s a beacon of hope amidst the helplessness – prayer.

In Mark’s gospel, a poignant tale unfolds where a desperate father brings his demon-afflicted son to the disciples, seeking healing. Alas, the disciples, despite their best efforts, prove powerless in the face of such profound suffering. Only Jesus possesses the capacity to transform the boy’s desperate condition.

Puzzled by their own inadequacy, the disciples inquire why they failed. Jesus responds with a profound revelation: “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.”

When action seems futile, believers find solace in prayer, discovering a profound sense of agency amidst their powerlessness.

John, the praying garbage man, grasped this profound truth. When circumstances conspired to restrict his ability to act, he turned to the mighty act of prayer. In an out-of-control world, where options dwindle, and chaos reigns, we need not surrender to helplessness.

As the praying garbage man would attest, prayer remains an unwavering lifeline, offering solace and hope in the face of adversity.

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  1. Lulu July 15, 2023 at 9:09 pm

    This is beautiful, Robert. It comes at a time when I sorely need these thoughts…these words. Prayer is so important and yet I skip over it much too often; I shouldn’t…shame on me is how I feel.
    I am so touched by John, the praying garbage man; I am always thouched by the man whose son was posessed by demons. Michael and I were lost in the huge city of Qingdao China. The two of us walking for an entire afternoon…’til darkness fell…looking for an apartment no one could help us find. Finally, Michael said “Come, Vasca. We are crossing this boulevard over there where those window ledges are and we’re sitting down and praying”. So we did. In the midst of an 8 lane intersection filled w/honking cars, busses, etc…he led us in prayer. An hour later two angels came into view and rescued us…took us little lost lambs to our apartment. There isn’t enough space to tell of all the prayers answered, seemingly miraculously, just while in China~thank you. “Ere you left your room this morning, did you think to pray? So when life seems dark and dreary, don’t forget to pray.”

    • Robert Taylor July 15, 2023 at 11:40 pm

      Thank you Vasca. Such a touching story.

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